Project coordinator:
Vytautas Magnus University
KAUNAS, LT-44248, Str. K DONELAICIO G 58, Lithuania
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is a comprehensive university which implements studies and research in the fields of humanities, social, physical, biomedical, technological and agricultural sciences. Aside from 46 BA and MA full-time degree programmes in English, together VMU offers 138 study degree programmes, as well as integrated studies of law and postgraduate studies for 9433 students. The University offers doctoral studies in 23 diverse fields of natural, technological, agricultural, social sciences and humanities for 320 PhD students. Studies at VMU are organised by 9 faculties and 3 Academies. VMU has been involved in H2020, Horizon Europe, COST, Erasmus+, LIFE, Interreg activities as well as national European Structural Funds’ projects as a project partner and coordinator (over 200 EU ongoing projects). The Faculty of Informatics at VMU delivers three cycle studies – bachelor, master and PhD. Specifically: Multimedia and Internet Technologies, Informatics Systems, Mathematics, Applied Informatics, Applied Mathematics. The professional studies of Teacher Training are organised. VMU Education Academy (EA) is a new generation teacher training centre with 1500 students and 50 teaching staff. The Academy runs 5 BA study programs in initial/ pre-service teacher training for school teachers, 1-year program of professional studies for future teachers, module programs for in-service teacher to acquire additional qualifications, numerous courses and non-degree programs for in-service teachers.
Role, tasks and commitment of VMU. VMU is the Coordinating partner. VMU provides the overall coordination of activities at all project stages, including the preparation and submission of application, coordinating the planning of activities among project partners, financial and contract management, control and monitoring of all project activities, ensuring all project consortium is efficient and sustainable. VMU provides advice, training and delivery counselling to partner country institutions at all project stages (WP7). VMU also plays a special role in all types of work packages except development: WP1 Preparation measures, WP5 Evaluation & Quality Control, WP6 Dissemination, Exploitation & Sustainability. At the same time, VMU actively assists Partner country HEIs in the development of their curricula and methodological support (WP2, WP3, WP4) and engages in peer review of materials. The main tasks are: general management; organization of the preparatory phase; quality control; coordination of the consortium actions, in particular assistance in interregional communication of Partner Countries; consultation of partner countries HEIs in advancements in serious games; consultation and assistants in modernising and updating curricula; help in development of curriculum; organisation of short one-week internship on serious games; participation in the dissemination events.