About Project

The goal of the project is to train highly qualified prospective school teachers in social sciences, humanities and IT in pedagogical technologies using serious games to promote human rights, democracy, and social cohesion in two neighbouring regions with cultures and history of mutual influence.


  • To modernize teacher training curricula by incorporating a focus on serious games (SG) and game-based learning, to elaborate high-quality learning materials, and to equip EduGame labs by relying on innovative pedagogical approaches and advanced educational technologie
  • To improve the competences of university staff, establish sustainable interdisciplinary and inter-curricula links, and promote collaboration of pedagogues and computer scientists;
  • To prepare the first graduates of future-oriented curricula with a focus on serious games (SG) design and use who are able to apply new digital and game-based learning technologies, implementing the principles of social cohesion, inclusion and equality.

Project consortium is formed on the basis of professionalism, mutual complement and quality sufficient experience of project implementation. It consists of: 

  • 3 EU HEIs: Vytautas Magnus University – VMU (Coordinator, LT), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia – UPV (SP), Universita Degli Studi di Salerno – UNISA (IT);
  • 2 South-Mediterranean HEIs: University of Sousse- US (TN), University of Jendouba – UJ (TN);
  • 4 Western Balkans HEIs: Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar – UNMO (BA), University of Bihać – UNBI (BA); University of Tirana – UT (AL), University of Elbasan ‘Aleksandër Xhuvani’ – UNIEL (AL).

Project is of duration of 3 years. It started on the 1st of November, 2023 and will end on the 31th of October, 2026.

PROJECT SUMMARY. The EduGame project aims to improve teacher training in The Western Balkans and the South-Mediterranean by promoting game-based learning as a new pedagogical approach.

The goal of the project is to train highly qualified prospective school teachers in social sciences, humanities and IT in educational technologies using serious games to promote human rights, democracy, and social cohesion in two neighbouring regions with cultures and history of mutual influence. This will enhance the quality of student training in the six modernised BA and MA Programs. The purpose is to modernise teacher training curricula by incorporating a focus on serious games and game-based learning, to elaborate high-quality learning materials, and to equip EduGame labs by relying on innovative pedagogical approaches and advanced educational technologies.

Specialists from Lithuania, Spain, and Italy will introduce colleagues from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Tunisia the new student-oriented, constructivist and experiential pedagogical approaches, as well as new educational technology solutions. This will help teachers to design and develop educational games, recognise their didactic potential, and use this knowledge in their pedagogical practices. Prospective school teachers in social sciences, humanities and IT will also learn game design, which is considered a creative process involving the development of a game concept, core elements, and structure, including artwork, story, playability, and game balance.

The graduates will be able to apply game-based learning as an innovative pedagogical strategy and promote social change and foster inclusion, prioritizing human rights, gender equality, social cohesion, and the inclusion of diverse populations, including people with disabilities, of all ages, genders, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds in the regions of the countries participating in the project.

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