Serious Games for Creativity and Social Cohesion in Teacher Education

Project coordinator

Vytautas Magnus University

KAUNAS, LT-44248, Str. K DONELAICIO G 58, Lithuania

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is a comprehensive university which implements studies and research in the fields of humanities, social, physical, biomedical, technological and agricultural sciences. Aside from 46 BA and MA full-time degree programmes in English, together VMU offers 138 study degree programmes, as well as integrated studies of law and postgraduate studies for 9433 students. The University offers doctoral studies in 23 diverse fields of natural, technological, agricultural, social sciences and humanities for 320 PhD students. Studies at VMU are organised by 9 faculties and 3 Academies. VMU has been involved in H2020, Horizon Europe, COST, Erasmus+, LIFE, Interreg activities as well as national European Structural Funds’ projects as a project partner and coordinator (over 200 EU ongoing projects). The Faculty of Informatics at VMU delivers three cycle studies – bachelor, master and PhD. Specifically: Multimedia and Internet Technologies, Informatics Systems, Mathematics, Applied Informatics, Applied Mathematics. The professional studies of Teacher Training are organised. VMU Education Academy (EA) is a new generation teacher training centre with 1500 students and 50 teaching staff. The Academy runs 5 BA study programs in initial/ pre-service teacher training for school teachers, 1-year program of professional studies for future teachers, module programs for in-service teacher to acquire additional qualifications, numerous courses and non-degree programs for in-service teachers.

Project partner

Universitat Politècnica de València


Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a public Higher Education Institution actively involved in international cooperation and mobility projects. UPV has a great experience in innovative teaching projects related to extended reality-based systems and serious games. As a leader in WP.1 Preparation measures UPV will coordinate  the task of  conducting  desk research on best practices. UPV will actively assist HEIs from Partner Countries  in the development of curricula and methodological support, engage in peer review of materials (WP2, WP3), consult in choosing equipment for EduGame labs, and take part in WP5, WP6, WP7. The main tasks will be : consultation of the staff of Partner Countries (technical and design aspect); help in development of curriculum, organisation of short one-week internships on game-based learning (GBL), support and assistance in  modernising of ,  technical and design aspect of thecurricula; participation in the dissemination events; participation in the quality control; leading role in the preparatory phase.

Project partner

University of Salerno

Address, FISCIANO SA, 84084, Str. VIA GIOVANNI PAOLO II 132, Italy

University of Salerno (UNISA) offers various facilities to its students. Some of these include research facilities, conference facilities, library, cultural institutions, accommodation, etc. UNISA has an experience in European project activities, in particular in quality control, so it will be leader in WP.5 Evaluation & Quality Control. UNISA will actively assist in preparatory phase to carry out desk research on best practices (WP1). UNISA will  actively support  HEIs from Partner Countries  in the development of curricula and methodological support, will engage in peer review of materials (WP2, WP3), will provide  consultations in choosing equipment for EduGame labs, and will take part in WP5, WP6, WP7. The main tasks are: consultation of the staff of Partner Countries (pedagogical aspect); help in development of curriculum, organisation of short one-week internships in serious games (theories & techniques), assistance in  modernising of technical and design aspect of the updating curricula; participation in the dissemination events; participation in the quality control; leading role in evaluation and quality control.

Project partner

The University of Sousse

Address: Sousse, 4000, Str. Rue Khalifa El Karoui Sahloul, Tunisia

The University of Sousse (US) is a leading Tunisian public Higher Education organization bringing together 17 faculties, institutes, high schools, in a wide array of subjects. US has an extensive  experience in computer sciences that is why  it is a leader in WP4. Serious Games Labs and the WP7 Management co-leader in Tunisia (WP7). The tasks in the project are: to update the curriculum MA Computer Sciences (teacher) (French, 120 ECTS) with 35 graduates; to update the courses “Game Development” (French, 2 ECTS); “Tutored project in graphic design” (French, 2 ECTS); to create a syllabus for new course “Educational Technologies for Computer Sciences” (French, 2 ECTS); to prepare the manual “Educational Technologies for computer sciences” (French, e-format, 120 p.) for the new course; to equip EduGame laboratory; to organize the International School with 40 participants (inc. abstracts,  training materials); to take part in preparation of other teaching, learning and training materials and all project events and internships.

Project partner

The University of Jendouba

Address: JENDOUBA, 8100, Str. CITE FAIEZ, Tunisia

The University of Jendouba (UJ) has 14 university establishments which are spread over the remote governorates of North-West of Tunisia (Jendouba, Béja, Le Kef and Siliana). UJ  experience in ERASMUS projects is rather limited, so its participation in coordination of activities will be limited to the co-leadership role  – it will be  a co-leader in WP2 and WP3. The tasks in the project are: to update the curriculum BA Primary school teacher (French, 180 ECTS) with 100 graduates; to update the courses “Educational Technologies for Primary Teachers” (French, 2 ECTS); “Digital Tools for Education” (French, 2 ECTS); to create a syllabus for new course “Educational Game Design for Primary School Teachers” (French, 2 ECTS); to prepare a toolkit for laboratory work “Educational game design for primary schools” (French, e-format, 120 p.) for the new course; to equip EduGame laboratory; to take part in preparation of other teaching, learning and training materials and all project events and internships.

Project partner

The Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar

Address: MOSTAR, 88104, Str. USRC MIDHAT HUJDUR HUJKA, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar (UNMO) was founded in 1977 as one of the pillars of the development of the Herzegovina region. UNMO will be  a leader of the  WP3. Curricula and management co-leader in Bosnia and Hercegovina (WP7). The tasks in the project are: to update implement a curriculum BA English language teacher (English, 240 ECTS) with 60 graduates; to update courses “Interpretation of Literary Works” (English,5 ECTS), “Civilization of Great Britain and the United States” (English, 6 ECTS); to create a syllabus for new course ‘Educational Technologies for Secondary Schools’ (English, 6 ECTS); to prepare the  manual “Serious games as educational technologies” (English, e-format, 120 p.) for the new course; to equip EduGame laboratory; to organize the International School with 40 participants (incl. abstracts, training  materials); to take part in preparation of other teaching, learning and training materials and all project events and internships.

Project partner

The University of Bihać

Address: BIHAC, 77000, Str. PAPE IVANA PAVLA II 2/2, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The University of Bihać (UNBI) has 7 Faculties with 3500 students. It is in a remote region of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Una-Sana Canton). The role of UNBI includes a being  the  co-leader in WP1 and WP4. The tasks in the project are: to update the  curriculum BA Bosnian language and literature (UNBI, Bosnian, 240 ECTS) with 40 graduates; to update the courses “Literature for Children” (Bosnian, 5 ECTS); “Oral Literature” (Bosnian, 5 ECTS); to create a syllabus for new course “Digital Storytelling” (Bosnian, 4 ECTS); to prepare a toolkit for laboratory work “Digital Storytelling (Bosnian, 4 ECTS) for the new course; to equip EduGame laboratory; to take part in preparation of other teaching, learning and training materials and all project events and internships.

Project partner

The University of Tirana

Address: TIRANA, 1000, Str. RR DESH E KOMBIT, Albania

The University of Tirana (UT) is the largest university in the country. It consists of six faculties and approximately 26,000 students. One of the goals and objectives of the University of Tirana is its recognition at international levels. UT has an experience in conducting dissemination activities and events, so it will be a leader of the  WP5. Dissemination, Exploitation & Sustainability and the WP7 Management co-leader in Albania (WP7). The tasks in the project are: to update the  curriculum MA History (secondary school teacher) (Albanian, 120 ECTS) with 40 graduates; to update the courses “Teaching Methods in History” (Albanian, 11 ECTS); “Social Story of Europe” (Albanian, 11 ECTS); to create a syllabus for new course ‘”Game Design Development for prospective teachers” (Albanian, 11 ECTS); to prepare a toolkit for laboratory work “Game design development for prospective teachers” (Albanian, e-format, 120 p.) for the new course; to equip EduGame laboratory; to organize the International Conference with 60 participants (incl. abstracts, main materials); to take part in preparation of other teaching, learning and training materials and all project events and internships.

Project partner

University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani”

Address: ELBASAN, 3000, Str. RRUGA ISMAIL ZYMA, Albania

University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani” (UNIEL) is a public institution of higher education in Albania. UNIEL numbers 223 full-time academic staff, 367 part time and visiting staff, 132 technical supportive staff, committed to provide a high-quality educational experience through teaching and research opportunities. The role of UNBI is a leader in WP2 Curricula. The tasks in the project are: to update the curriculum MA Primary school teacher (Albanian, 180 ECTS) with 50 graduates; to update the courses “Education Psychology and Learning Practices” (Albanian, 5 ECTS); “Methodology of Teaching” (Albanian, 6 ECTS); to create a syllabus for new course “Educational Technologies for Primary Schools” (Albanian, 5 ECTS); to prepare the  manual “Educational technologies for primary schools” (Albanian, e-format, 120 p.) for the new course; to equip EduGame laboratory; to take part in preparation of other teaching, learning and training materials and all project events and internships.

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